Sitemap - 2022 - Modern Left

After the Mail's attack - what is Strike Map and what does it do?

Gateshead special

Moving on out

Rise of the machine

The Tories have to go

The Conservative government is a right wing sect

Notes on Keir Starmer's speech

Greetings from Liverpool

End of the road for SATs

Boris Johnson has left the building

The PM is changing, the Tories have not

London transport cuts - "we must all fight back"

The new dividing lines

Gordon Brown pitches in

Left Q&A || Mercedes Villalba MSP

“If you’re about to join, welcome. If you’re coming back, welcome home.”

Rebecca Long-Bailey || Left Q&A

Left Q&A

With the Tories in meltdown, Labour can't afford to waste a moment

People can't wait for future growth for a pay rise

How the cost of living crisis is changing our politics

Labour movement strategy in the cost of living crisis

Defence spending folly

New North East devolution deal "a whisker away"

David Lammy's disaster-class media round

Mick Lynch - "a masterclass " on the media

Teachers add to pressure over pay

Support the railway workers - support the strike

“We demand the government values education and values educators”

Demand better - demonstrate tomorrow

Ash Sarkar - Left Q&A

We demand more than better - we demand the government values education and values educators

Build a coalition against London's transport cuts

Left Q&A - Neil Findlay

Lurching from crisis to crisis

The unions are defending living standards

Learning from the Tory "beergate" offensive

The slaughter of the sacred cows?

Dystopian visions of defence

On strike for education

Solidarity with the P&O workers

An energy policy for need not profit

A slide into war with Russia is a threat to us all

Support the GDST teachers' strike

"The fight is right in front of us" – Billy Bragg interview

Johnson goes Trump

Organising in the workplace and delivering a political strategy

Covid: teachers don't want rhetoric we want action

Covid-19 and the public sector - further reading

Our times demand more, not less, socialism